Online Resume Website

We bet you are wondering why you need an online resume website with downloadable PDF resume attachment. Let us tell you why it is the best type of resume.

  • Everything is becoming advanced these days, even resumes. The online resume website is the future style for resume that everyone will need to have.
  • Most employers do an online search for resumes that will best fit their needs. Based on the information they gather, they will call the people with the most professional resume and experience.
  • We can optimize your online resume website upon your request to make it appear in the top portion of the search engines. What that means is when an employer uses any search engine to look for someone to hire in your field, your website will appear at the top portion of the list.
  • Having an online resume website shows that you are high-tech and serious about networking and finding a good job. It also shows that you are willing to go that extra mile in getting the job you worked so hard for.
  • The online resume website presents all your data in a simple, organized and professional way that will attract employers when they are searching for prospective employees. Also they can download your resume as a PDF file to review and print it when they need it.
  • Your online resume website also highlights the ways you prefer someone to get a hold of you.
  • We understand that there are many other ways to help you find a job. The studies show that 22% of people that have a profile on LinkedIn can find a job that they desire, but people who have personal websites with professionally written resumes are more likely to find the job that they looking for.

The Package Includes

Domain Name You will be able to select your favorite domain name

Control panel with administrator account to manage and edit your personal website

1 Hour Free Training to enable you to easily edit and manage your online resume website

Get 2 Free Email accounts

Get professional WebHost for your personal website

One Click Resume Word & PDF File Download

Our Online Resume Site Templates

Here are just a few of our templates that you can chose from. We offer many different colors and styles to fit your style.

Online Resume Website Price Starting from $150 and get 50% discount For annual renew

Are you ready to grow your business?

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